Turnaround 2020 – An Invitational Witness

While it is often the case that the smaller the church the more pastor must do, it is not the case that the pastor of a larger church has lots of free time.  Wise pastors whether they pastor small or large churches learn the value of partnership, delegation, and raising up new leaders.  Churches that wish to engage in Turnaround so that they are once again seeing conversions, baptisms and new members will be served by pastors who are engaged in personal outreach.  They will also be served by pastors who find creative, effective means of sharing the load.

It’s not hard to imagine the impact if each one simply reached one.  If this were repeated for a few short years the entire world could be won to faith in Christ.  If each person attending your church reached one new person in the next five years your church would double or triple in size.  It doubles by having everyone reach one.  It triples by teaching those who are reached to reach one and by equipping those who reach one to go ahead and reach two or three.

Why doesn’t something like this happen?

Not everyone is equipped to share their faith.  This leaves many unwilling to offer an Instructional Witness where they argue apologetics with a skeptic.  It also leaves many unprepared to share an Informational Witness where they tell their story.  Nevertheless, everyone is capable of extending an Invitational Witness like the Woman at the Well who simply said, “Come and see”.

Often we do not present a workable strategy to prepare people to extend an Invitational Witness.  What is everybody’s business is nobody’s business so motivational challenges to “invite everyone in town” fall on deaf ears.

Here’s a strategy to equip the folks in your congregation to offer an Invitational Witness.

First, offer Invite Cards for your people to use.

Be sure these carry the proper date, time and location of the service you are promoting.  Several online printing companies can produce these cheaper than you can buy toner for your copier.  Business card sized invites are easy for folks to keep handy.  Consider coordinating your Invite Card with your bulletin cover, banner, and projection background.

Second, distribute the cards in a just-in-time fashion.

For example, Easter Invite Cards could be distributed on Sunday, April 2 and again on April 9.  Consider two cards per attendee that could be stuffed in the weekly bulletin, distributed at the door or otherwise handed to the worshippers.

Third, make this a spiritual experience not just an advertising gimmick.

At the conclusion of the service ask everyone to take out one Invite Card and place it in their left hand.  Then ask them to hold up that card.  Pray “Lord place in our paths those people who need to receive these cards.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.”  Repeat for the second card held up in the right hand.

Fourth, consider making Invites to targeted groups and link these invites with specific prayers for those who will be invited.

The Turnaround Plan Book (available at www.Turnaround2020.net) suggests several target groups.  These include targeted groups include

  • the people on my street,
  • relatives,
  • friends,
  • those I speak with on the phone,
  • people I come in contact with in my daily schedule.

Don’t include all the groups in one blanket appeal.  Spread these out over several weeks or several months and focus on them one at a time.

Remember there are only four core processes that will result in Turnaround:

  • Inviting people to Christ and the Church,
  • Connecting with those who show up so they return,
  • Discipling those who stay, and
  • Sending them back out into the world to be neighborhood missionaries.


Jumpstart Turnaround 2020Equip your people to share the faith with a tried and tested resource like Four Spiritual Laws.  Hand out copies to everyone and even use the content to guide your sermon while they follow along.

Four Spiritual Laws

Many folks are not as comfortable sharing their faith because they have never organized their thinking to present a clear gospel message.


Specialized training and illustrations on how to use this resource may be found at www.crustore.org.

Not comfortable with this approach?  Then find another pre-printed booklet or tract that you can use in the same fashion.